What we focus on


Quality education can have a profound impact on children’s lives and pave the way for the solution of many of the world’s problems. Having a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty, reducing (gender) inequality, and achieving a better quality of life. We support projects and changemakers active in this area with a focus on children through the planet. 


We have a responsibility to take care of our planet for future generations. We have a lot of work to do:  we face a climate emergency, our natural life support systems are collapsing. There is still time to act. At the Horn Foundation we truly believe that the actions we take today can revive the planet’s health for the future. We support change maker that can ignite hope and catalyze change that restores our connection to nature and heals our planet’s health.

Project that we support

Pangaea X is an education and environmental program aimed to support and encourage youth in the realisation of innovative projects with a positive impact on our planet. Through annual challenges set on diverse environmental issues, Mike Horn calls international youth to take action by proposing solutions to help solve these problems. Once the program completed, the explorer will embark the final team on a life-changing experience with Mike and win a money price to start their entrepreneurial adventure. 

Horn Foundation

Avenue du rond-point 25
1006 Lausanne